Saturday, April 30, 2005



That i CANNOT interview monaqaba women..i just can't seem to penetrate through their faces to their feelings, to waht they're realy thinking..i feel like a number of dimensions just dissappear from the conversation of the interview..and something inside me says, this CAN'T be right.. it can'tbe.

that religious men with big zebeeba's in the field, shake myhands properly and REALY well, while religious men in big corporations treat my hand like it's a piece of burnigncoal, and avoid eye contact like i'm a walking sin

that mothers give birth to their children and then leavethem wtih their parents.. ya3ni a woman left her son withher mother fel balad to take good care of her becuaseshe 'doesn't see well' for years.until the grandmother died.and then the boy comes back withdrawn or montawey, and shewonders why.. with big questioning eyes.. (i met at leat twocases of this in the ten i met yesterday)and when you ask why? they look at you weirdly adnsay "Mahowwa gharado keda.."

Children drop out in 2e3dady STILL not knowing how to readand write.. it's then that the frustration hits them. can you imagine?? This is the case in most communities such as Dewe2a,
7erafeyeen, moqattam.. they can stay taht long not learningANYTHING. akeed they get frustrated and end up working!

In lebanon, Shilpa, teh indian facilitator i was workignwth, that works with working children in india said there\'sno such thing as "I failed at school.." aw "ana manfe3tesh",it\'s SCHOOL that failed you. heyya el mesh naf3a.most of the messed up school systems are in cairo.
the bestschool systems i saw were in Menya and a few places in tehse3eed, where the communities have mobilized themselves tochange it.

i asked a miserable workign boy after we talked about work,his parents beating him up, and learning and reading andwriting and life and future dreams, if he could ask me forANYTHING, ANYTHING In the world.. what would it be..sere7 shwaya, and then he said"Abuya we Umey nefesohom ye7egu..."

in aswan, the children were trying to decide HOW to pick reps from each governorate to represent them in the events..the kids though of 12 year old boy stood up and said,"El tasweet momken yetala3 wa7ed 7omar bas shaklo 7elw..""Voting can\'t always work.. if your popular you will bepicked.. even if you don\'t realy KNOW what to do, and evenif 2albak mesh 3al mawdu3 awey.."even though he was practicaly the most popular boy there.

One of the kids was giving a presentation 3an shoghlohom felmo7afazat and one of his goals were "Al qada2 3ala el "ana-maleyya" 3end el shabab"all the kids understood it 3alatul.
Al 'ana-maley'ya -- comes from "Ana Maley?" -- apathy :)

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